Monday, August 12, 2013

20 weeks, Halfway there!!!

We're now at 20 weeks and Kaitlyn is about the size of a banana.  We had our doctor's appointment last weeks and confirmed she is a girl! I was glad nothing had changed!!! :)  We're so excited to meet this little girl and are talking about getting her nursery together soon!  We just have to get though her brother's 2nd birthday...then I can focus on the room!

I was really, really tired last week.  It rained ALL week so that didn't help, but I think my iron may be getting low, so I switched my vitamins and that seems to be helping!  Today I have more energy than I've had all pregnancy! I have been cleaning and cooking and organizing, it feels good! Although being down on my hands and knees picking up toys is a little rough, didn't have to do that last pregnancy! No more bending over for me either! Gotta squat! ha! I'll have to post a belly photo soon.  Maybe next week I'll remember to take it on time and have on make-up! :)

I can't believe we are half way though this pregnancy.  This is the good stage, I'm feeling good, have a cute little bump, and feel Miss Katie-bug squirming often! We still have a lot to do to get ready for her....and I'm excited to get started!

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