Friday, August 30, 2013

22 weeks...a bit late

I should have posted this about 5 days ago...but better late than never, right? Miss Kaitlyn should be about the size of a spaghetti squash. Her eyes, lips, etc.  should be becoming more distinct. I'm sure she is just beautiful! :)  She has been kicking away and I can now see those kicks if I watch my tummy closely.  Jimmy has seen and felt them too!

This weekend is Big Brother Chance's 2nd birthday, boy does time fly! After that, we are going to focus on Kaitlyn's room. I'm very excited for the PINK! :) It will take a while to put together, but in a few weeks or so we should have an update with a beautiful nursery picture.

Monday, August 12, 2013

20 weeks, Halfway there!!!

We're now at 20 weeks and Kaitlyn is about the size of a banana.  We had our doctor's appointment last weeks and confirmed she is a girl! I was glad nothing had changed!!! :)  We're so excited to meet this little girl and are talking about getting her nursery together soon!  We just have to get though her brother's 2nd birthday...then I can focus on the room!

I was really, really tired last week.  It rained ALL week so that didn't help, but I think my iron may be getting low, so I switched my vitamins and that seems to be helping!  Today I have more energy than I've had all pregnancy! I have been cleaning and cooking and organizing, it feels good! Although being down on my hands and knees picking up toys is a little rough, didn't have to do that last pregnancy! No more bending over for me either! Gotta squat! ha! I'll have to post a belly photo soon.  Maybe next week I'll remember to take it on time and have on make-up! :)

I can't believe we are half way though this pregnancy.  This is the good stage, I'm feeling good, have a cute little bump, and feel Miss Katie-bug squirming often! We still have a lot to do to get ready for her....and I'm excited to get started!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

18 weeks

I'm trying to stay on top of this...but it's difficult!  Especially when I have a little helper that want to add to the blog when I have the computer out.  And if I wait till he goes to bed...I'm too tried to mess with it!  ANYWAY... Kaitlyn is 10oz and that's for REAL, we had our doctor's ultrasound today and and saw her again!  Healthy as can be!  And SO CUTE! :) Measurements are all right on track!

I started this post at the beginning of the's now Thursday.  I guess I post it and do it again this weekend!!!  Sorry, baby girl!  Momma's trying!!! :)