Monday, November 25, 2013

35 weeks and feeling it

Whoa...I'm feeling pregnant! I feel HEAVY, tired, out of breath, my back aches, my pelvis aches, I have reflux, and it's uncomfortable for me to sleep many nights. Ugh! Only 5 more weeks though!  I don't remember feeling this bad this early with Chance....but then again I wasn't chasing after a two year old at the time! It's exhausting! I keep having this feeling that she's going to come early.  I wouldn't mind that except the holidays are coming and I don't want her born to close to Christmas and things are going to get crazy enough! Ah! We'll see!  I'm sure she'll have a mind of her own just like her big brother who took his sweet time.

Kaitlyn should be over 5 pounds and about the size of a honeydew melon.  I just ordered her take home outfit online, I'm so excited to see what she looks like and how cute she is in it! I'm finishing up washing her blankets and bedding and things.  And it's about time I start on my hospital bag! eek!

We got our Christmas decorations least some of them.  I wanted to get a head start on the tree and I'm glad I did! That was exhausting! Chance was a good little helper though.  I need to order Kaitlyn a stocking soon just in case she does show up before Christmas!

Can't wait to meet my baby girl!!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

33 weeks...nursery is complete!

I turned 33 weeks on Sunday and I am feeling it! I feel big, tired, achy and I'm ready for Kaitlyn to arrive! Okay...not really, but sorta.  I would love to make it through the holidays first, although I'm starting to get a feeling that she may come early on right on time....but I'd love it if she were a few days late...we'll see! I'm sure she'll decide when the best time is!
Right now she should weigh about 4 lbs and about 17 inches long. I just got back from the doctor and since my next appointment would fall on Thanksgiving, I don't go back for three weeks...December 5! AH! That's the month she's due!! We are getting so close!  And with the business of the holidays, it's going to fly by! 

Also...side note...Chance is potty trained! Yay!  That should make things a bit easier on us with a newborn to care for!

AND....Kaitlyn's nursery is complete!! (for the most part, I still would like to add a rug and a nameplate on the door)  Check out her beautiful room!