Tuesday, June 18, 2013

12 weeks

Well, after a bad weekend, my week has perked up somewhat.  I have spells of nausea, but I'm doing alright. I have even managed to get the house cleaned up a bit!  But I overdo it...I just need to rest more, but it's hard when I'm finally feeling better! So I end up doing a lot early on in the day and pooping out in the afternoon and evening. My belly is getting bigger and I think I may need to find some kind of armor for it. Chance's elbows and knees keep finding their way to my belly and that hurts!  It's going to be a long rest of the year with that going on! Poor baby is already getting beat up by his/her older brother!

Speaking of baby...our little peanut is about the size of a lime at over 2 inches long and half an ounce and is working on reflexes.  Apparently if I poke my abdomen the baby will squirm in response...like I said already getting picked on by the older brother!! The baby should start making sucking movements too! Exciting stuff! I think now that I'm starting to feel better, this pregnancy is going to FLY by!

Oh! and I almost forgot...we made the big facebook announcement on Sunday (Father's Day).  That was fun! :)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

11 weeks

We heard the heartbeat!! Nice and strong and doctor says everything looks good! Very exciting! I also got some meds for my nausea...which SOMETIMES kinda work.  I had a bad weekend with the sickness, but have (knock on wood) a few good days since. I will take my first official belly photo next week, it's already bigger than it was with Chance at this time!

Baby is just over and inch and a half long and the size of a fig and almost fully formed.  tooth buds should be appearing and bones are hardening.  He/she is probably kicking up a storm, but I don't feel anything yet!

3 more weeks till trimester 2! Then hopefully I'll feel MUCH better and we can make the big announcement to the world! :)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

10 weeks...already slacking

I'm already slacking with baby #2! I've missed a few weeks.  Well, here's what you've missed...sickness, sickness, and more sickness.  I've been so sick and miserable! I am so ready to be past the 1st trimester. The baby is a little over an inch long now and officially in the fetal period.  Vital organs are in place and beginning to function. I am already showing a little.  Probably not to a stranger on the street, but to those who know me you can tell I have a bigger pooch than normal!  I guess I need to start taking belly pics soon!  We go to the doctor on Friday and should get to hear the heartbeat. Exciting stuff! I'll let you all know how that goes!